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There are currently 3 names in this directory beginning with the letter Z.
is PhD, associate Associate Professor at Moldova State University. Specialist in the Iron Age of the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic space. Scientific interests are especially focused on the study of the habitat of the communities of Cozia-Saharna culture and of the Thraco-Getic tribes in the 6th-3rd centuries BC. Author of more than 130 scientific publications, including 4 monographs: Fortificaţiile geto-dacice din spaţiul extracarpatic în secolele VI-III a. Chr. / Geto-Dacian fortifications in the extra-Carpathian space in the 6th-3rd centuries BC, Bucureşti, 1998; Butuceni. Monografie arheologică / Butuceni. Archaeological monograph, Bucureşti, 2002 (co-authors Ion Niculiţă, Silvia Teodor); Habitatul din mileniul I a. Chr. în regiunea Nistrului mijlociu: Siturile din zona Saharna / The Habitat in the 1st millennium BC from the Middle Dniestr Region: the sites from Saharna Area, Chişinău, 2008 (co-authors Ion Niculiţă, Tudor Arnăut); Evoluţia habitatului din microzona Saharna în epoca fierului / Evolution of the Habitat in the Saharna micro-zone in the Iron Age, Chişinău, 2016 (co-authors Ion Niculiţă, Mihail Băţ).

ZBUCHEA, Alexandra
holds a degree in Business and one in History, as well as a Ph.D. in cultural marketing. She is a Professor and Ph.D. coordinator in Management at the Faculty of Management at SNSPA - National University of Political Studies and Public Administration in Bucharest, Romania. She is the vice dean of the same faculty and director of the Center for the Study of Responsible Organizations. Her research interests are related to cultural management and marketing, focused on the museum sector, knowledge management, and the role of businesses in society. She published several articles on the perceptions of history and archaeology, as well as on how cultural heritage can be a factor in sustainable development. ORCID no: 0000-0002-5341-7622

is a research assistant at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography in Leipzig/Germany. She studied cultural sciences at the European University in Frankfurt (Oder), finishing faculty with a thesis on civil society issues in Romania. She started working at the Leibniz-Institute in 2008 in a project focusing on the impact of the new external borders of the EU on the daily lives of stakeholders in the affected border regions. Currently, she is working on a project that deals with the local effects of the policies the EU addresses to its direct neighbourhood, carrying out case studies in Moldova on different fields of the EU’s exterritorial policies. She is interested in questions of how big political approaches trickle down to the members of societies and in connected questions of embedding, effectiveness and social consequences of these processes.