There are currently 5 names in this directory beginning with the letter T.
TĂNASE, Alexandru
is a key expert in European Union Rule of Law Program in Central Asia (co-financed by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Individual member of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) of the Council of Europe, Lecturer of Moldova State University, and Former Member of the Parliament, former Minister of Justice and former President Constitutional Court (Moldova). Over 30 years of legal professional experience in justice and public administration, of which over 15 years in the field of constitutional jurisdiction, with high qualification in legal elaboration and analysis, in particular constitutional judicial reasoning and argumentation, with in-depth knowledge in the fields of law, the rule of law, protection of human rights, constitutional standards, the Venice Commission, the ECHR, the Council of Europe’s legal instruments, free legal aid and also court communication with society and communication with high-level decision-makers, coordination of complex development processes, as well as in the mobilization and management of international projects and assistance of national and international development partners.
TAKI Victor
holds an M.A. and a Ph.D. from the Central European University (Budapest). His doctoral dissertation, "Russia on the Danube: Imperial Expansion and Political Reform in Moldavia and Wallachia, 1812–1834," examined discursive and institutional aspects of relations between the Russian Empire and the elites of the two Romanian principalities at the dawn of the modern era. He has held temporary teaching positions at Carleton University (Ottawa), the University of Alberta (Edmonton), and Dalhousie University (Halifax). In 2011-2013, he was a postdoctoral fellow and lecturer at the University of Alberta, working on a book project devoted to the Russian encounters with the Ottoman Empire in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. He is currently affiliated with the Center of Ukrainian and Belorussian Studies at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. His most recent publications are "Orientalism at the Margins: The Ottoman Empire under Russian Eyes," Kritika, no. 2 (2011), 321–351, and a monograph (co-authored with Andrei Cușco), Bessarabiia v sostave rossiiskoi imperii, 1812–1917 (Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2012).
did a three-year degree in Tourism Science at University “La Sapienza” in Rome (2012-2015) and graduated MA program at the Bicocca University in Milan with a degree in Economics of Tourism (2015-2017).
TESKA, Milena
is an Assistant Professor at Institute of Archaeology Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The focus of her research is on the pre-Roman Iron Age on the Right-Bank Lower Vistula and in Greater Poland (especially in the Noteć valley), intercultural relations and archaeology of archival materials. Author na co-autor of over 40 studies published in specialty journals and monographs. Co-author of the book Grabkowo, Gm. Kowal, stanowiska 7 i 8. Źródła archeologiczne do studiów nad okresem przedrzymskim na Nizinie Wielkopolsko-Kujawskiej, Poznań 2017 (with W. Kaczor, A. Michałowski, M. Żółkiewski). She is the editor of the volume: Viator per devia scieniae intinera. Studia nad problematyką okresów przedrzymskiego, rzymskiego, wędrówek ludów i wczesnego średniowiecza, Poznań 2015 (with A. Michałowski, M. Żółkiewski); Settlements Pottery of the pre-Roman Iron Age in Central European Barbaricum – new research perspectives, Poznań 2017 (with A. Michałowski, P. Niedzielski, M. Żółkiewski); Archeologia sarbskich lasów, Sarbia 2017 (with A. Michałowski, M. Strawa, R. Bartkowiak), Extra limites, Poznań-Wrocław 2017 (with M. Bohr). The editor’s secretary of Journals Slavia Antiqua and Wielkopolskie Sprawozdania Archeologiczne.
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Science and Education, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research, Izmail State University of Humanities. ORCID: 0000-0002-5014-9845; Researcher ID: А-8350-2018; Scopus Author ID: 57203764278.