There are currently 11 names in this directory beginning with the letter P.
Pâslariuc, Virgiliu
holds a Ph.D. in History from the “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi (2002) and an Associate Professor at the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Moldova State University (USM), since 2005. Dr. Pâslariuc benefitted from a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Bologna (2008-2009). He specializes in medieval and modern Romanian history, with a particular focus on the fields of cultural history and historical anthropology. His research interests include, among other topics, the issue of the evolution and dynamics of the Romanian nobility during the modern period, as well as the status and trajectory of the Bessarabian elites under Russian imperial rule (1812-1917). Among his most important recent publications, one could mention the following works: Raporturile politice dintre marea boierime şi domnie în Ţara Moldovei în secolul al XVI-lea [The Political Relations between the Great Boyars and the Princely Institution in Moldavia in the Sixteenth Century], Chişinău, PONTOS, 2005 (monograph); ”Moldavian SSR’s Border Revision Question: From the Project of “Greater Moldavia” to the Project of “Greater Bessarabia” and the Causes of their Failure (December 1943-June 1946), in: Archiva Moldaviae, II (2010), p. 275-370 (with Igor Cașu); „Apocalipsa după Ştefan”: temeri eshatologice şi violenţă ritualică în timpul domniei lui Ştefan cel Mare [„The Apocalypse According to Stephen:” Eschatological Fears and Ritual Violence during the Reign of Stephen the Great], in: PONTES. Review of South-East European Studies, Nr. 7-8, 2011-2012, p. 89-108.
PEŢAN, Aurora
is a researcher within the Study Center of Dacica Foundation, holder of a PhD in Philology and another one in History. The main domains of interest are Dacian history and civilization and cultural heritage.
Since 2009, President of Dacica Foundation, whose object of activity is the research, protection and promotion of the cultural heritage. Her latest book, “Sarmizegetusa Regia – The Rediscovery of the Fortress” (2018) is the most comprehensive work dedicated to this monument in the last decades.
PETER, Sarah
is a freelance anthropologist. Her main work is the analysis of the graves of the Cluj-
Napoca-Zápolya str. funerary site (10th century).
Petrencu, Anatol
is a University Professor at the Department of World and Romanian History, within the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the State University of Moldova (since 1999). In 1986, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic of Romanian-Italian Relations in the 1970s and the first half of the 1980s. In 1998, he was awarded a Habilitation with a thesis discussing Romania’s policy regarding Bessarabia during 1940-1944. From 1990 to 1992, Anatol Petrencu served as Head of the Faculty of History at the State University of Moldova. Since 2010, he has also been Director of the Institute of Social History „ProMemoria.” Between 1998 and 2006, Professor Petrencu was President of the Association of Historians of the Republic of Moldova. In 2010, he was a member of the Commission for the Study and Evaluation of the Totalitarian Communist Regime in the Republic of Moldova. Professor Petrencu’s main fields of research interest focus on the contemporary history of Western Europe and the US, the history of post-1945 international relations and the comparative study of totalitarian regimes. He has authored six books and three schoolbooks. He has edited three collections of documents and one collective volume. Professor Petrencu has written over 400 articles and research papers.
is lecturer at the Department of History and Educational Theory, “B. P. Hasdeu” Cahul State University. He is a Ph.D. Candidate at “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați (Romania). Among his research interests are: communist subversive activity in Bessarabia between 1918 and 1924, the Communist International and soviet “active espionage” in Romania, with a particular focus on the activity of the Zakordot.
POPA, Alexandru
is an archaeologist, specializing in the study of the Roman Time in south-eastern
Europe. He studied History and Archaeology at the State University of Moldova (Chişinău/Moldova), “Al.I.
Cuza” University of Iaşi/ Romania, J.-W. Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and Justus Liebig
University in Giessen/Germany. Between 2005 and 2010 he worked at the Roman-Germanic
Commission of the German Archaeological Institute in Frankfurt am Main. He holds his habilitation
degree at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University in Bonn/Germany (2013). Since 2011 he has
been a scientific researcher at the National Museum of Eastern Carpathians in Sfântu
Gheorghe/Romania. Since 2016 he is an associated professor (Privatdozent) and since 2022 a Professor
(unestablished) for “Vor- und Frühgeschichte” at the University of Regensburg/Germany.
ORCID no. 0000-0002-3158-4374
POSTICA, Alexandru
is an Adviser for Strategic Development within the Public Association “Promo LEX” and also a scientific researcher at the Institute of Legal and Political Research of the Republic of Moldova. He worked as Director of the Human Rights Program of the Public Association “Promo LEX” for 18 years. Alexandru Postica was the pleading lawyer before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Catan and others against Moldova and Russia (January 25, 2012), he was also the pleading lawyer in the case of Mozer v. Moldova and Russia before the Grand Chamber of the ECtHR (04.02.2015). Together with the team of the Promo LEX Association, he represented the plaintiffs before the ECtHR in over 90 cases, in over 70 out of them, the ECtHR already issues decisions in favor or the plaintiffs regarding the violation of human rights in the Transnistrian region. The most relevant cases won before the ECtHR together with the Promo LEX team are: the case of Catan and others, Moldova and Russia (the cause of Romanian language schools in the Transnistrian region); Mozer v. Moldova and Russia (reference case on detention conditions in the region and illegal arrest); The case of Sandu and others against Moldova and Russia (case regarding the violation of the property right of over 1600 applicants from Dubasari district of Moldova); Pisari against Moldova and Russia (the case of the murder of a young man by a soldier of the Russian peacekeeping forces in 2012). He is the author and co-author of several research and reports in the field of human rights.
doctor of history, senior scientific researcher, Institute of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research. Areas of concern: recent history of the Republic of Moldova, history of national / ethnic minorities, history of the Armenian community, interethnic relations in the (ex) Soviet space; addressing the Transnistrian dispute; daily life in Soviet Moldova, the history of science and education.
PROCOP, Natalia
PhD in the arts and cultural studies. Member of the Social, Economic, Humanities Sciences and Arts Section of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova; Senior Scientific researcher at the Institute for Research and Innovation of the State University of Moldova, research project The culture of promoting the image of the cities of the Republic of Moldova through the prism of art and mythopoetics. Areas of concern: decorative art, painting, dressing design. Books published: Batik from Moldova, Chisinau: Balacron, 2017; N. Procop, V. Negru, L. Sârbu, M. Cercașin. The clothing terminology. Romanian-English illustrated dictionary (Chisinau: Gunivas, 2019). Orcid ID:
PURDEA, Claudiu
is a PhD Student at the „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania. His major research topics are archaeology and cultural heritage preservation.
is a Doctor of Science (in History), Professor, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (Ukraine). Oleh Yaroslavovych Pylypchuk worked as the head of the Department of history of science and education at the Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Kyiv, and since 1996 he has headed the Department of Ecology and Life Protection at State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (Kyiv, Ukraine). Oleh Pylypchuk is the author and co-author of more than 300 publications, study guides. O. Ya. Pylypchuk was one of the initiators of running all-Ukrainian scientific conferences “Topical issues of the history of science and technology” and conferences of young historians of science, technology and education. Since 2011 he has headed the editorial board of the journal “History of Science and Technology” (indexed Scopus). He is also a member of the editorial boards of several scientific journals.