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There are currently 3 names in this directory beginning with the letter H.
studied Prehistoric Archaeology, European Ethnology and Pre-Columbian Studies in Berlin. 2012 M.A. at Humboldt-University Berlin. Besides heading an expert bureau for archaeological services in Buchholz (Lower Saxony), the author confers a doctorate in Berlin (Free University) on “Animal Bone Finds of the Przeworsk Culture. A comparative study of faunal materials from Germany and Poland”.
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HUMER, Franz
the scientific director of the Roman City Carnuntum (Austria), since 2001, studied classical archaeology, ancient history and history of art at the Paris-London-University of Salzburg (1983-1988). During his academic training, he worked as an assistant at the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the University of Salzburg. In 1988, he completed his master’s degree in archaeology with the thesis “Hypostyle halls in Greek architecture”. In addition to excavation and research activities in Austria, Franz Humer undertook extensive archaeological study tours to Albania, Algeria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Italy, Jordan, Macedonia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey and UK. Next to the implementation of scientific research and excavations since 1987 and administrative functions, he played a vital role in the organization of the opening of the Archaeological Park Carnuntum on 9 June 1996. He was entrusted with the financial and administrative agenda of the entire Roman archaeology affairs of the Province of Lower Austria. In 2013, Franz Humer was conferred the honorary title “Hofrat”.

PhD student at the Institute of European Ethnology, Humboldt University in Berlin. In 2007-2010 she was the representative of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Azerbaijan and in 2010-2012 worked as Country Director of the Imagine Center for Conflict Transformation. Her main research interests include urban anthropology; ethnicity; diasporic studies, transnationalism and trans-local communities. She co-authored the book “Beyond the Karabakh Conflict: The Story of Village Exchange” and has authored many academic articles.