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There are currently 10 names in this directory beginning with the letter G.
GÂZA, Oana
is a researcher at the Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Măgurele, Ilfov, Romania.

GĂZDAC, Cristian
is associated professor, dr. habil. at the University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Faculty of History and Philosophy teaches classes on preserving and protection of Cultural Heritage, Roman Economy and Numismatics, Security Systems in World History. Since 2014, he supervises PhD theses at the Doctoral School of Security Studies within the same university. He a undertook a doctoral thesis at the University of Oxford in Ancient History. Among the main directions of my research has been to establish the monetary policies in these regions at critical moments in the history of the Roman Empire. On this line, he created the monograph series Coins from Roman Sites and Collections of Roman Coins from Romania (16 volumes). In connection with my research activity on Cultural Heritage and Ancient History he spent over 25 years of research at the Archaeological Park Carnuntum (Austria) where beside fieldwork, he has also published a series of books and articles on various topics on Ancient History and Cultural Heritage. He was involved in a large number of expertise focused on recovering trafficking artefacts from Romania. On this direction, he is the author of studies on recovering artefacts and counterfeits and co-editor of the series Combating the criminality against the European archaeological heritage. He was/is member of international research projects on Cultural Heritage and Ancient History topics at Universities such as Oxford, Vienna, Frankfurt, Padova. He is the winner of the Barclay Head Prize, University of Oxford (2001).

GÁLL, Erwin
is senior researcher II at the Institute of Archaeology ‟Vasile Pârvan”, Bucharest, Romania. He received his PhD (Doctor in Archaeology) in 2009 at the ‟Eötvös Loránd” University (ELTE) and his Habilitation Degree in 2023. In addition to early medieval archaeology (6th/7th-11th/12th centuries), his expertise includes the history of archaeology, especially Transylvanian archaeology. His recent publications: The Early Medieval Cemetery at Hortobágy-Árkus. The Heritage of an Elite Group from the 8th–10th Century Northern Transtisza Region / Hortobágy-Árkus kora középkori temetője. Egy elit csoport hagyatéka a 8–10. századi Észak-Tiszántúlról. Archaeologia Hungarica 52. Budapest: Hungarian National Museum, 2022 (in collaboration with Gergely Szenthe); At the Periphery of the Avar Core Region. 6th–8th Century Burial Sites near Nădlac (The Pecica–Nădlac Motorway Rescue Excavations). Patrimonium Archaeologicum Transylvanicum; 13. Paris‒Budapest: Éditions L’Harmattan, 2018. ORCID no: 0000-0002-5923-3461

has two degrees: the Bachelor of Justice in civil law and the Master of Art in History of Art and Architecture, and finished postgraduate studies of Department of History and Theory of Art, Lomonosov MSU. She is a former adviser of Moscow City Heritage Department, art curator and at present works as an expert in heritage preservation. She has been the member of the Board of Russia NC ICOMOS till 2019 and is Russia Rep. in ICOMOS EPWG.

is a cultural anthropologist and experimental archaeologist whose studies focus on the process of cognition, material culture and art. His recent publications deal with the problem of immersion in reconstructed contexts in Augmented and Mixed Reality. Professor Gheorghiu is secretary of the UISPP Neolithic Commission, member of EAA, and Paul Mellon Fellow at CASVA, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

GHERCĂ, Iulian
is a Ph.D. in history (PhD thesis title – The Roman Catholic Press in Romania in the First Half of the 20th Century). He is a teacher of History and Civic Education, Deputy Director of Bogdan Vodă Theoretical High School from Hălăuceşti and associate researcher at the Center for the Study of Totalitarianism within the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the State University of Moldova. He authored two books (The Romanian Village in the Communist Period, Case Study of Răchiteni Commune, Performantica Publishing House, Iaşi, 2007, and Catholics in the Public Space:, The Romanian Catholic Press in the First Half of the 20th Century, Publishing House of the European Institute, Iasi, 2013). He coordinated two scholarly volumes (History and International Relations Studies, Performance Publishing House, Iaşi, 2009 and Between Democracy and Totalitarianism: Romanians and Europe in the Contemporary Period, Junimea Publishing House, Iaşi, 2012). Author of more than 40 articles published in various specialized journals from Romania and the Republic of Moldova; beneficiary of a research scholarship in the Vatican archives. He participated in more than 35 scholarly national and international conferences and symposia.

is Associate Professor of World Prehistory and Archaeology at the University of Alba Iulia (Romania). His main publication consists in Aşezarea neolitică şi eneolitică de la Alba Iulia-Lumea Nouă în lumina noilor cercetări, Ed. Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, which has received the ‘Vasile Pârvan’ Award of the Romanian Academy (2011). Mihai Gligor is the author of around 50 articles related to archaeology, archaeometry and osteoarchaeology. He, is the main organizer of International Symposium on Funerary Anthropology Homines, Funera, Astra, held at ‘1 Decembrie 1918’ University of Alba Iulia.

GOINA Mariana
is a AFP lecturer at the World History Department, Pedagogical University, Chisinau. Her scholarly interests are medieval literacy, social and cultural history. She authored several articles, and her book on Moldavian and Wallachian Transition from Oral Culture to the Written Word is forthcoming at Brepols Publishers.

is a PhD candidate at the European University at Saint Petersburg. The topic of his thesis is The Bessarabian question and Moldavian nationalism in the early XX century. Author of several papers on nationalism in Bessarabia, co-author of the volume Bessarabia v sostave Rossiiskoi imperii, 1812-1917 (Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2012) with Andrei Cușco and Viktor Taki. Author and editor of a Russian language site on the history of Moldova and Romania ( Research interests: modern Bessarabia and Romania, national movements in Eastern Europe and the Russian Empire, the borderlands of the Russian Empire, ethno-confessional policy in the region.

PhD, is senior research fellow and head of Twentieth Century History Department at the Lithuanian Institute of History. Grybkauskas has 20 years’ experience of research in Soviet history, focusing on national conflicts in the centralized command economy and the Soviet multi-national state. His PhD dissertation (defended in 2007) received an honourable mention for Lithuania’s prize for best dissertation of the year. His PhD research resulted in a book “Sovietinė nomenklatūra ir pramonės valdymas Lietuvoje 1965-1985 metais“ (Vilnius, 2011, Soviet Nomenklatura and Management of Industry in Soviet Lithuania, 1965-1985). The monograph discusses the management of Soviet industry, analysing conflicts over ideology and power among groups with an identity defined technologically (engineers) or ideologically (party leaders, KGB informers). He has continued to work on centre-periphery issues within the Soviet empire as a part of a long term project on the Second Secretaries of communist parties in the Soviet republics, who were appointed by the Kremlin in order to carry out Moscow‘s will at the periphery. A book resulting from the project – “Sovietinis generalgubernatorius”: Komunistų partijos antrieji sekretoriai Sovietų Sąjungos respublikose” (Soviet “Governors General”: Communist Party’s Second Secretaries in the Soviet Republics) – was published in 2016 in Lithuanian. It is forthcoming in English and Latvian. Currently Grybkauskas is involved in the research project “Engineers in Soviet Lithuania: Socialization, Professional Education, Activity and Ideology”.