There are currently 3 names in this directory beginning with the letter E.
currently works as an independent researcher and senior software architect. Her current publications include e-learning and developing virtual and augmented reality environments, including educational games, and human-computer interactions for optimizing the learning. She is a professional member of IEEE Computer Society and Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
ENACHI, Valentina
doctor of history, associate professor. Scientific publications in the field of media communication, history of culture, intercultural communication and media studies, author of textbooks, 40 scientific articles from the Republic of Moldova, the USA, Romania, Germany and Ukraine. Participant in congresses and scientific forums in the country and abroad. Recent publications: Enachi V. The values of humanism and transhumanism approached in the press of the Republic of Moldova in «Convergențe spirituale Iași-Chișinău”, no.16-17, 2020 Iași, Universitatea Apollonia, p.1 31-141; The female imaginary in the media context; Reflections on moral values in the Moldovan press in ‘’Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare și valorificare. Culegere de studii’’. Ursu V., Lisnic An. (coord.), Ch.: „Garomont Studio”, 2018, pp. 326-333; The values of the Soviet propaganda from the Moldovan SSR in the 70s of the 20th century in ‘’Promovarea valorilor sociale în contextul integrării europene’’. Resp. Ceban Cristina. Ch. : Topografia Lira, 2018, p. 294-304.