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There are currently 17 names in this directory beginning with the letter B.
BĂȚ, Mihail
is PhD Student, lecturer at Moldova State University. Specialist in the archaeology of the Iron Age from the Carpathian-Pontic space. Scientific interests are especially focused on the study of the communities from the Midlle Dniester region in the XIIth-3rd centuries BC. Author and co-author ofmore than 20 scientific publications, including 1 monograph: Evoluţia habitatului din microzona Saharna în epoca fierului / Evolution of the Habitat in the Saharna micro-zone in the Iron Age, Chişinău, 2016 (co-authors Ion Niculiţă, Aurel Zanoci).

BÂRCĂ, Vitalie
is a research fellow II with the Institute of Archaeology and Art History of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He is a specialist in the archaeology and history of the Sarmatian civilisation of the north-Pontic area, the Lower Danube and the Great Hungarian Plain. His expertise includes also aspects of ethnic, cultural, political and military interferences between the Graeco-Roman world and that Barbarian of Central and Eastern Europe. He has authored more than 85 studies in speciality journal and volumes. His books include Istorie şi civilizaţie. Sarmaţii în spaţiul est-carpatic (sec. I a. Chr. – începutul sec. II p. Chr.), Cluj-Napoca, 2006, awarded with the “Vasile Pârvan” prize of the Romanian Academy; Nomazi ai stepelor. Sarmaţii timpurii în spaţiul nord-pontic (sec. II-I a. Chr.), Cluj-Napoca, 2006; Călăreţiistepelor. Sarmaţii în spaţiul nord-pontic (co-authored with O. Symonenko); Alburnus Maior III, Necropola Romană de la Tăul Corna, Cluj-Napoca, 2008 (co-author) and Sarmatian vestiges discovered south of the Lower Mures River. The graves from Hunedoara Timișană and Arad, Cluj-Napoca, 2014. He is the editor of volume Orbis Romanus and Barbaricum. The Barbarians around the Province of Dacia and Their Relations with the Roman Empire Cluj-Napoca, 2016 and founder and editor of the Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology (, indexed Web of Science (ISI).

is a senior fellow at the Lithuanian Historical Institute in Vilnius. In 2015-16 he was a visiting scholar at the Center for Russian and East European Studies at Stanford University. During 2009-2013, he was a European Research Council Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University College Dublin. He is the author of The Making of Modern Lithuania (Routledge, 2009). His articles have been published by Past and Present and Contemporary European History, among other journals. He has a particular interest in the modern history of the Baltics. His research fields include nation-building, population displacement and paramilitary violence.

BASU, Asmita
is a PhD research scholar, NIT Durgapur and Assistant Professor, Army Institute of Management, Kolkata. Her area of research is Heritage Management and Sustainable development. She has presented several research papers at different international conferences held in Jordan (WAC, 2013), Siem Reap (IPPA,2014), Stockholm (EASAA,2014), Paris (EurASEAA,2015), Cardiff (EASAA, 2016), Bern (EAA, 2019). The most important publication: “Sustainable Development- A challenge for Archaeological site management in the coastal areas of West Bengal in Eastern India.” In “Current Trends in Archaeological Heritage Preservation National and International Perspectives,” ed. Sergiu Musteata and Stefan Caliniuc. BAR International Series 274, no. 2: 5. 2015; Basu, A. (2020). Cultural Identity and Sustainability in Santal Indigenous Community of Birbhum District, India. Archaeologies, 16 (3), 492-504. Springer, Dec 2020, doi: 0.1007/s11759-020-09413-8, SCOPUS indexed; Basu, A. (2020). Contexts and Concerns for Sustainability of Cultural Heritage Sites of Bishnupur. PLURAL. History, Culture, Society, (2), 120-130. Orcid id: 0000-0001-9335-100X.

BÎRĂ, Monica
holds a Ph.D. in History and is currently an Associate Professor at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) in Bucharest, Romania. Her research interests are mainly focused on measurement in public relations and social media listening. In the last 10 years, she has been constantly involved in research aiming to better understand public perceptions on topics such as cultural heritage, history, and archaeology. ORCID no:

has received his bachelor’s degree in prehistoric archaeology from the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, with a thesis about ancient grave disruptions at the early medieval cemetery Köln-Müngersdorf in 2016. He is currently a master’s student at the Freie Universität Berlin reading for prehistoric archaeology. He is especially interested in early medieval, iron age, grave disruptions and urbanisation. (

is a member of the Russian group within the World Heritage Watch, St. Petersburg, Russia. She has graduated from Department of Sociology, St. Petersburg State University, and then studied at the European University at St. Petersburg and defended her candidate dissertation in political science in 2000. She has worked in 2000-2014 as a co-founder and researcher at the Centre for European Studies – EU Centre at the European University at St. Petersburg. In 2008-2013, she was working also as a Russian Deputy Director, Scientific Manager of the Center for German and European Studies, St. Petersburg State University. As a result of her academic activities, she has a list of published with more than 40 academic articles and books.

is a PhD, associate professor of the Department of Transport Technologies and Transportation Processes Operation, State University of Infrastructure and Technology (Kyiv, Ukraine). Author of 50 articles on the history. The sphere of scientific interests includes a wide range of issues in the fields of education and transport, as well as the history of science and technology in general and the history of transport in particular.

BIBBY, David
is an archaeologist with the State Heritage Service of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He holds the post of Manager, Digital Archaeology. His responsibilities include archiving digital archaeological data. David Bibby is a member of the Commission on Archaeology and Information Systems and the Commission on Excavation Techniques of the Association of German State Archaeologists and is chair of the Working Group for Archaeological Archives of the Europae Archaeologiae Consilium.

BLAŽEK, Vojtěch
specialises in Geographic information systems, virtual reality and digital technology in education in general. In 2022, he received his doctorate in Computer Science Education. Some of his recent publications are „Functional Regions as a Platform to Define Integrated Transport System Zones: The Use of Population Flows Data” and „Interurban Mobility: Eurythmic Relations among Metropolitan Cities Monitored by mobile phone data”
ORCID no. 0000-0002-3499-5232

BLASEN, Philippe Henri
born in 1987, Luxembourg, has been a researcher with the A. D. Xenopol Institute of History in Iasi, Romania, for the past three years, as well as of the Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations humaines, Dudelange, Luxembourg, since 2006. Since 2009, Blasen has been studying the status of ethnic and religious minorities in Transylvania and Bukovina in 19th-century Austria-Hungary and 20th-century Romania. In 2020, he defended his dissertation regarding the labour rights of ethnic minorities in Romania during the regime of King Carol II (1938-1940). His tutor was Prof. Sorin Mitu from Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania. Blasen’s research focuses on the relations between Romanians and Ruthenians, as well as between the Orthodox and the Catholic Church in late 18th and early 19th-century Austrian Bukovina. Blasen is a member of the PLURAL association.

BOBEICĂ, Mihaela-Denisa
a PhD student at the Faculty of History, “Valahia” University, Târgoviște, Romania. President of the Association for Promoting Romanian Traditions. The PhD thesis work is on the history and urbanism of Dâmbovița county, titled “Tradition and modernity in the urbanization of Dâmbovița county”. A contributing author to the work called “The Romanian Government amidst the Paris Peace Conference” at the Doctoral Research Symposium that took place on 18-19 July 2019, organised by the Institute for Scientific and Multidisciplinary Technological Research of “Valahia” University.

BODA, Gherghina
is a senior scientific researcher at the Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilization, Deva, Hunedoara county, Romania. Scientific activity: 3 books (single author); 5 books in collaboration; 4 collective volumes; 80 articles/studies and chapters in national and international scientific journals/collective volumes; studies presented to over 150 de workshops/national and international conferences; coordination of 4 cultural projects and team member of other 7; organiser of 35 workshops/national conferences and 2 international conferences; coordinator of 20 exhibitions; involvement in 21 cultural and educational projects.

BOGDANOVA, Margarita
is a professor of strategic planning at the Department of Strategic Planning, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria. Her research interests include strategic planning, project management, and regional development.
ORCID no. 0000-0003-0558-5274

BROWN, Duncan H.
has been Head of Archaeological Archives with Historic England since 2010, before which he was Curator of Archaeology at Southampton Museum Service. He is also a member of the Working Group for Archaeological Archives of the Europae Archaeologiae Consilium. Duncan is the author of ‘Archaeological Archives. A guide to best practice in creation, compilation, transfer and curation’ and a co-author of ‘A Standard and Guide to Best Practice in Archaeological Archiving in Europe’.

BUNA, Zsolt
is a research assistant with the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, the Design Engineering and Robotics Department. He is specialised in computer-assisted modelling and 3D scanning. His expertise includes aspects related to the digitalizing and 3D reconstruction of historical monuments and artefacts. He is the author of more than 20 studies published in speciality journals and volumes among which 10 focus on digitalizing the cultural heritage objects.

is lecturer at the History, Archaeology and Museology Department of the University of Alba Iulia, Romania. She received her BA degree in Art History and Archaeology at the same university in 1996 and the MA degree in Medieval Studies at Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca in 1997. In 2010 she earned the PhD. in Visual Arts from the University of Arts in Bucharest. She has authored several studies on the medieval art and architecture of Transylvania and the Banat, co-edited several collective volumes, organized extensive field work, exhibitions, and conferences. She is currently the principal investigator of the multidisciplinary project Monastic life, art and technology at Bizere monastery” (2013-2016) (UEFISCDI-Romanian Research Foundation) and member of the research team of the Palace of Transylvanian Princes in Alba Iulia (from 2014). Her main areas of interest are: medieval art and architecture; medieval archaeology.